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Badarikashrama, located in San Leandro, California was founded by Sri Swami Omkaranandaji in 1984. Named after the Himalayan site where Vedavyasa received and taught the Vedic scriptures, the ashrama stresses the Vedic teaching that the Truth is One and comes in many forms. The atmosphere is conducive for people of all nationalities and faiths to feel welcome, share its resources and activities and experience the unique spiritual and cultural heritage of India.

Under the guidance of Swami Omkaranandaji the spiritual disciplines of Bhakti (devotion), Karma (action) and Jnana (knowledge) Yogas are taught stressing their practices in daily


Badarikashrama San Leandro,CA

life for self-improvement and self-knowledge. The lives and teachings of the rishis, modern saints and sages, with particular emphasis on Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda, are studied and promoted. Through worship, study, and spiritual practice people can experience the sacredness of life and have awareness of the Divine Light in all our surroundings. These spiritual practices and studies create an avenue for people to rise above the mundane physical existence and comprehend the essence of the Vedic teachings that our lives are immortal and everything is filled with Eternal Spirit.

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