Namaste and Welcome to Badarikashrama
Badarikashrama, located in San Leandro, California was founded by Sri Swami Omkaranandaji in 1984. Named after the Himalayan site where Vedavyasa received and taught the Vedic scriptures, the ashrama stresses the Vedic teaching that the Truth is One and comes in many forms. The Center provides many activities for those interested in the diverse heritage of India. Through spiritual, cultural and educational activities, the center is a place where young people can learn about the rich heritage of India and people from all walks of life can find peace in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance.
Registered as a non profit organization 501c3 dedicated to the twin ideals of Self Realization and the service of God through humanity.
Na Me Bhakta Pranashyati - "My Devotee Never Perishes"
Sri Ganesha Chaturti Celebration
Saturday, Sept. 7th - 2:30 p.m.
Click Here For Program Details
Calendar of Events
Join our programs live on Zoom
Badarikashrama Zoom Live
Meeting ID: 858 7009 7834
Passcode: 234667
Special Note: Covid Restrictions have eased and we welcome all to temple for Darshan as well as public programs. See our calendar events for more details.
Monthly Newsletter
Temple Hours
Monday- Friday
8:00 a.m. - 12 noon
5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Evening Arati & Bhajans:
6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
​* Daily except Monday & Tues. due to Siva Puja and Durga AaratiI
Thursday: Closed
Sat. & Sunday
8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
9 am to 12 noon
4:00 pm to 6.00 pm
Puja's and Aarati & More
6pm - Sri Ramakrishna Aarati
6:30 pm - Rudra Abhisheka
6pm - Sri Ramakrishna Aarati
6:30 pm - Ambaji Aarati & Bhajans
Wed. through Sunday
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm -
Sri Ramakrishna Aarati & Bhajans​
Sunday: 8am - Yoga Class
​Instructor: Dennis Chowenhill
Badarikashrama Expansion Project
Fostering the Classical Culture of India and Vedantic Spiritual Wisdom
For thirty-eight years, Badarikashrama- San Leandro has been serving the Bay Area community, fostering the rich classical culture of India and spiritual Vedantic knowledge. We welcome people of all faiths, race, identity and background. Through cultural activities and worship, Badarikashrama offers a place where people from all walks can find acceptance and peace. Opportunities for children and young people provide both safe recreation as well as education focused on respect for all, service to family and community, and strong intellectual and spiritual deveolopment.
From the inspiring vision of “Service of God Through Humanity, the spiritual guidance of Swami Omkaranandaji and the selfless service of our devotees, our spiritual community has grown. In order to accomodate this growth we are seeking a new facility that will provide the ample parking and larger physical spaces to accomodate more cultural and spiritual activities. At the center of it all will be a beautiful Prarthana Mandir.
All your donations are tax deductable. Please contribute today.
Thank you.
How to donation.
zelle: Remit to “badarik2023@gmail.cpm”
Venmo: Use “” Checks: Payable to “Badarikashrama”
Please consider pursuing an “Employer Match”
Memories of Badarikashrama
Click Here to make a tax deductable donation
Om Namo Narayanaya
Our Beloved Swami Mangalanandaji left her mortal body on September 21st, 3:18 PM at Valley Point Nursing Home, San Leandro CA. A beautiful service was held at Chapel of Angels, Fremont from 10AM to 12PM. To view the recorded service click HERE.
A slideshow of her life in Badarikashrama.